Our Services Include:

The Opportunity Pre-School is a multi-disciplinary evaluation program and provider site. We offer:
- Speech and Language Therapy
- Utilizing the naturalistic environment our Speech Pathologists facilitate language development. Many of our therapists have extensive knowledge in Sign Language and/or Spanish. We are able to implement PECS (Picture Exchange Communication System) for children who are experiencing difficulty acquiring verbal communication and utilize AAC (Alternative Augmentative Communication Devices). We have trained PROMPT (Prompts for Retraining Oral Musculature Phonic Targets) therapists who use a multi-sensory approach to facilitate improved intelligibility in our children with severe phonological delays/disorders, and apraxia. Our Speech Pathologists conduct evaluations and interpret the findings to be utilized when developing an Individual Education Plan.
- Social work and Psychological Services
- School Social Workers are the link between home, school and community in providing direct as well as indirect services to students and families as well as to promote and support students' academic and social success. We offer psychological counseling services, crisis intervention and family counseling/training. Our Psychologists administer psychological and developmental tests when necessary and interpret the findings for the families.
- Physical Therapy
- The Physical Therapists work with both ambulatory and non-ambulatory children. They utilize typical preschool activities as well as specific therapeutic activities to facilitate improved gross motor development and vestibular (balance) reactions to enable children to negotiate their environment safely. They are experienced in acquiring adaptive equipment to enhance the abilities of our physically challenged children.
- Occupational Therapy
- The Occupational Therapists and Certified Occupational Therapy Assistants address fine and gross motor needs as well as sensory needs to facilitate improved object manipulation, self-feeding, pre-handwriting, and body awareness in space.
- Early Intervention Programs
- Center-based opportunities for children receiving Early Intervention, through the NYS Department of Health, to attend a half-day instructional program providing opportunities for cognitive, social-emotional, communicative, adaptive, and physical development.
Our Developmental Skill Areas: